Electric vehicles: Are they really environment-friendly?

The necessity to protect the environment it’s an extremely sensible field. In order to preserve our environment some actions are implemented. Actions such as taking alternative ways of transports in order to limit the CO2 emission or harmful particles. Electric cars today are advertised as the main solution to improve the quality of the air in the city center. But, …

The ideal cargo bike, a matter of size

The size is an important setting to consider while choosing which cargo bike to buy. In fact, you have to consider the total length of the tricycle. As well as its width, its height, and its internal size. The shorter and the tighter the box bike is, and the easier it will be to drive it. Its compact size makes it easy …

The ideal cargo bike, a matter of weight

  The weight is an important parameters to consider while choosing which cargo bike to buy. In fact, you have to consider the tare weight of the cargo bike. Another important criteria is the load capacity or payload. To be compliant with the EU regulations, the tricycles need to be equipped by an electric assistance. For this latter, as any electrically assisted bike, …