The perfect cargo bike for street vending


Our fully equipped electrically-assisted cargo bike with isothermal boxes, retractable shelf and storage compartments is the ideal professional tool to get you started quickly and successfully!

Ask for a free quote

The concept of street picking

Step 1: The customer orders online on your app or website.

Step 2: The customer chooses his collection point.

Each collection point corresponds to a schedule. For example :

from 12:15 to 12:30 p.m. St Martin Lane
from 12:45 to 1:00 p.m. Picadilly Circus
A word of advice: your collection points should be spaced 200m apart to cover a large catchment area and minimize travel time.

Step 3: The customer joins your cargo bike at the collection point at the chosen time to pick up his order

From a regulatory standpoint, street picking is not considered to be itinerant sales since the deed of sale is made prior to delivery. You therefore do not need any special authorization.

You will only have to check that your collection point does not interfere with traffic, and is not too close to an establishment offering another catering service, you have to be fair play! 🙂

triporteur Yokler U pour la livraison de marchandise

So handy and fast

You'll never have to worry about getting around town again.

With a cargo bike, you can access everywhere: cycle lanes, pedestrian areas, the city becomes your playground.

With a load of up to 150 kg (in addition to the pilot), you will move effortlessly thanks to the electric assistance, at an average speed of about 15 km / h.

Ultra handy, you can easily cross all obstacles: small sidewalks, anti-car studs.

The reinforced wheels coupled with the oversized hydraulic fork are perfect for cobblestone streets.

livraison en triporteur

Large capacity isothermal boxes

The 4 independent 86L isothermal boxes allow you to obtain incredible autonomy in cold, or / and in heating, for several hours!

For example, the 2 top boxes can be reserved for hot products while the 2 bottom boxes can contain your desserts and cold drinks.

You can easily stack your preparations using GN1 / 1 standard trays.

Once filled with fresh or hot products, the boxes allow food to be kept at temperature for a minimum of 2 hours.

You can double or triple this autonomy by using cold or hot eutectic plates.

Find more information on all the advantages of delivery in an isothermal scooter on our dedicated blog article: click here

livraison en triporteur

Very practical

We have thought of everything to simplify your life and allow you to efficiently serve a maximum of customers at your collection point in a minimum of time.

A retractable shelf allows you to arrange the items of your customer's order while it is being prepared.

Lockers on the doors allow you to store paper bags, napkins and cutlery (cardboard please!)

Everything is perfectly tidy and clean, for impeccable service.

livraison en triporteur

More turnover, and hundreds of euros in savings!

  • Up to € 1,000 in turnover per service
    In total, you will be able to ship the equivalent of 80 complete orders, and thus generate up to € 1,000 in turnover / service!
    1 order = 1 starter or 1 dessert (150g) + 1 main course (400g) + 1 drink (33cl)

  • No intermediary: 100% of the amount of the bill is yours
    You save the 20 to 30% commission taken by platforms such as Uber Eats or Deliveroo.
    Ultra low operating costs
    No gasoline, no insurance (you are automatically insured to the third party). You will save several hundred euros in charges per year.

  • Your best advertisement!
    We personalize your scooter in your colors to make it a fantastic promotional item. It will be seen by tens of thousands of people per day on the way from your lab to the collection point. It is an extraordinary free advertisement which will allow you to gain new customers without spending a euro on buying space.
livraison en triporteur

An all inclusive offer

1 fully equipped Yokler U trike
(PowerPack, Park and Lock and Smart Display)
4 insulated boxes 86L
1 fixed shelf
1 retractable tray
4 storage compartments
1 personalized covering
to the colors of your establishment

Please complete the contact form for a detailed quote:

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Secure payment
Every purchase on our e-shop is secured by our banking partner Stripe

Worldwide delivery

We can deliver on all continents

2 years manufacturer warranty

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